Metaphysical Body & Energy Work

to help you attune to your innate ability to heal & release what no longer serves you.

  • Body & Energy Work

    In-person Appointment
    To put it simply, healing occurs when the energies that make up your subtle and physical bodies come into resonance with one another.

    The Seven Rays’ approach to assisting you in activating your innate ability to heal is by way of coming into resonance with you, holding space for you to unwind and unravel the stuck physical and subtle energies that prevent you from living at your highest and best, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

    Some modalities I am certified in and draw upon, are Usui Reiki, Craniosacral Therapy, Myofascial Release, Healing Touch, Massage Therapy, and more.

    60 min/$120

    90/ $175

  • Distance reiki

    Virtual Appointment

    Experience the benefits of Reiki, whenever, wherever it works for you.

    Energy travels through distance, time, and space. So you can receive Reiki at any place or time that works for you. Whether it’s from the comfort of your own home, at a place in nature, or in the midst of a crazy day at the office.

    These sessions may include a 1-3 divination card pull, and a mini-guided meditation to assist you in opening to receive.

    45 min/ $75

  • Meditation

    Mediation services for businesses and their employees through an online platform of your company’s choice, or in office.

    Guided Meditation is a great way to help you strengthen your tools for self-regulation and clearing the mind. Stress relief, developing a stronger connection to your environment, and a greater sense of self, creates the space for healing to occur and empowers you to live your life to the highest potential.

    Price will be set based on number of people attending, duration, and location (virtual/in-person).

    Base price: $111/30 min

  • Reiki Training

    These courses are to attune you to become a Usui Reiki Practioner. Reiki is a laying-of-hands system of healing that has been practiced for over 100 years, founded on a healing technique that has been around for centuries.

    Students go through different levels and attunement processes to strengthen their connection to the universal life force energy that reiki is.

    Reiki Level I is all about self-healing and connecting to subtle energies.

    Reiki Level II is the practitioner’s level and grants the practitioner the ability to send Reiki across distances time and space.

    Reiki Level III is to become a Master/Teacher and requires proper dedication to the practice.

    Level I (8hr class) - $333

    Level II (8 hr class) - $444

    Class sizes are limited- $100 deposit is required to reserve your place.

    (Link icon to register and submit deposit)

  • Seven Rays Series

    A 5-session series designed to assist you in unwinding the body of stagnation, tension, trapped emotions, and energetic blocks, by working with all facets of being; physical, mental/emotional. and spiritual.

    This series starts with working on the physical level of the body through hands-on healing methods such as Massage Therapy and Myofascial Release. Once we have achieved the release the body needs from stagnation and tension, we move into working with the nervous system through Craniosacral Therapy and energy alignment. The next step in this process is Somatic and Emotional unwinding through movement. And finally, we wrap this series up with energy work to bring about an optimal state of being.

    Ideally, this series should be completed within three months.

    5-60 min sessions/ $575


I came to this work through a deep knowing that I am here to serve this planet by way of helping others heal. This is something I knew from a very young age and have spent the majority of my life in service to.

As a child, I understood that there was so much more to life than what we were shaped to believe, and if we make the choice to really allow ourselves to see, the beauty and the true meaning of this existence will set our souls free.